Sum on multiple columns with Activerecord

If you just want sum of columns total_marks and marks_obtained, try this

Student.where(:id=>student_id).sum('total_mark + marks_obtained')

You can use raw SQL if you need to. Something like this to return an object where you'll have to extract the values... I know you specify active record!"SUM(students.total_mark) AS total_mark, SUM(students.marks_obtained) AS marks obtained").where(:id=>student_id)

For rails 4.2 (earlier unchecked)"SUM(students.total_mark) AS total_mark, SUM(students.marks_obtained) AS marks obtained").where(:id=>student_id)[0]

NB the brackets following the statement. Without it the statement returns an Class::ActiveRecord_Relation, not the AR instance. What's significant about this is that you CANNOT use first on the relation.

....where(:id=>student_id).first #=> PG::GroupingError: ERROR:  column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function

You can use pluck to directly obtain the sum:

Student.where(id: student_id).pluck('SUM(total_mark)', 'SUM(marks_obtained)')
# SELECT SUM(total_mark), SUM(marks_obtained) FROM students WHERE id = ?

You can add the desired columns or calculated fields to pluck method, and it will return an array with the values.