Sum inside addplot call

Here is with xinttools. I suspect (but did not check) unexpandable loop could not be used inside \addplot argument, so I defined preliminary macro \myterm to use with the expandable utilities \xintApply and \xintListWithSep.

The external \xintFor is not expandable, and dispense us of any preliminary macro definition.

\pgfplotsset{cycle list/Reds-6}

\def\myterm#1{sin(4*#1.5*\x r)/#1.5}
    axis x line=bottom,
    axis y line=left,cycle multi list={Reds-6}]
    \xintFor #1 in {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} \do 

enter image description here

I set up a stencil and used listofitems to parse it for ? via

\readlist\termstencil{sin(4*?.5*\x r)/?.5}

Then, substitute for ? each time through the loop, a value of 0, then 1, ..., 5. A few checks had to be made not to add a + before the first term, etc. The resulting tokens are collected into the macro \myeqn, which is then passed to \addplot.

\pgfplotsset{cycle list/Reds-6}
  \foreach\z in{0,...,#1}{%
    axis x line=bottom,
    axis y line=left,cycle multi list={Reds-6}]
    \readlist\termstencil{sin(4*?.5*\x r)/?.5}
    \foreach\k in{0,...,5}{
      \addplot+[samples=300,smooth] {\myeqn};

enter image description here

Upon exiting the tikzpicture, one can \detokenize\expandafter{\myeqn} to confirm the tokens themselves used for the final loop index:

enter image description here


Seeing jbfu's use of a helper macro, I realized I could use the same concept to dispense with the listofitems approach, and not use another package in its place.

Basically, I get the \loopthroughterm macro to create a succession of tokens of the form \termstencil{0}+\termstencil{1}+\termstencil{2}.... Then, as long as \termstencil is defined by the user properly, in this case as

\def\termstencil#1{sin(4*#1.5*\x r)/#1.5}

then all works out in the end.

\pgfplotsset{cycle list/Reds-6}
  \foreach\z in{0,...,#1}{%
    axis x line=bottom,
    axis y line=left,cycle multi list={Reds-6}]
    \def\termstencil#1{sin(4*#1.5*\x r)/#1.5}
    \foreach\k in{0,...,5}{
      \addplot+[samples=300,smooth] {\myeqn};

The plot is the same as in the prior code, but the detokenized form of \myeqn is now this:

enter image description here

Additionally, with the use of a few extra \expandafters, in the form of

  \foreach\z in{0,...,#1}{%

the final \myeqn now contains the actual tokens desired:

enter image description here