sublime text- "list lines containing 'find' string

1.Here is a reference: How can I filter a file for lines containing a string in Sublime Text 2?

  • Hit Ctrl+F(⌘+F) to "Find All" occurences;
  • Hit Ctrl+L to Expand All Selection to Line.
  • Then you can Ctrl+C(⌘+C) or Ctrl+Shift+K(⌃+⇧+K) to copy/delete the lines.

2.There's now a plugin for filtering lines: It allows filtering and code folding based on strings or regular expressions. filterlines plugin:Edit->Line->Filter

I think the simplest way is just to search for the line like this -> ".*find_this_string.*" and make sure that regular expression is ticked. Then you can click "find all" (alt+enter) and just copy and paste all results to a new window.

Try 'Find in Files' (Cmd+Shift+F on a Mac, presumably Ctrl+Shift+F on a PC).

Search results will display in a new tab, and you can double-click any result to jump to that line in the matching file.

  • To search only open files, put <open files> in the Where field.
  • To show only the lines that matched without surrounding lines for context, toggle the 'Show Context' option (to the left of the 'Find All' panel).

