Subclipse + SVNKit keeps asking for credentials when connecting through svn+ssh

I had a similar problem and figured out that I tried to use the private key generated by puttygen, but SVNKit needs an OpenSSH key.

My solution was:

  1. Start PuTTY Key Generator
  2. Load private key
  3. Conversions \Export OpenSSH key
  4. Select openSSH Key in Eclipse

1- under Window => Preferences SVN (or team => svn depending on your version), make sure you selected a library available in yourSystem... for example SVNKIT(Pure Java) .... instead of JAvaHL... which often missing

2- under Window => Preferences, search for "Secure Storage" and setup a master password (usually clicking on Change Passowrd...). This isn't your svn password but for some reasons i ignore, if this master password is not set, Eclipse won't be able to store and retrieve your svn password when you click the save password..

Eventually it turned out that there was a problem with they key. It was encrypted with DSA instead of RSA and the server wasn't set up for it.

Why I got no message about a bad key pair is beyond me, but with a correct key it worked.