Stupid error caused by doing stupid things

A quick attempt with xparse:


\optional{\baz}[m]{Baz with opt #1 and #2}{Baz without opt and #2}









However you have to change the way arguments are specified. You see in the example how to use a + instead of the *; for \optional and how to define \baz with a mandatory argument (the optional one is always present).

enter image description here

Here is how you can have your \starredcommand with arguments

% Following 3 lines thanks to Prof. Enrico Gregorio, from:
%   removing-a-backslash-from-a-character-sequence
  \newcommand#1{\@ifstar{\csname @\mname star\endcsname}
                        {\csname @\mname\endcsname}}
  \expandafter\newcommand\csname @\mname\endcsname[#2]{#3}
  \expandafter\newcommand\csname @\mname star\endcsname[#4]{#5}

\starredcommand{\barr}{1}{\mathcal #1}{1}{\mathscr #1}

    \barr{C} &\neq \barr*{F}


enter image description here

FOLLOW UP: Here is a version of your \optional command:

% ...

though it is not ideal. It does allow, per the user's desire, for \barr to be an argument of foo, except that the \barr must be protected, as in

\( \foo = \foo[\protect\barr{Q}] \neq \foo[\protect\barr*{R}]\)

enter image description here