Stripe Payment: Getting Error as Customer cus_***** does not have a linked card with ID tok_*****

There are three different ways to create a charge:

  • with the source parameter only. In this case, source needs to be a token or source ID (created by Checkout or Stripe.js), i.e. a string that starts with tok_ or src_.

  • with the customer parameter only. In this case, customer needs to be a customer ID, i.e. a string that starts with cus_. The customer's default payment source will be charged.

  • with both the customer and source parameters. In this case, customer needs to be a customer ID as in the previous case, but source should be the ID of a payment source that is already attached to the customer. Payment sources can be cards (ID starts with card_), bank accounts (ID starts with ba_) or sources (ID starts with src_).

In your case, you're passing a token ID in the source parameter along with a customer ID in the customer parameter.

If this is a new card, you should first use the token to create a card on the customer, then create the charge with the card ID. If the card was already saved for this customer, then you don't need to collect the card information again (and thus don't need to create a token at all).

This code helped me. It might also help you.


$customer = \Stripe\Customer::create([
    'name' => 'Jenny Rosen',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'address' => [
        'line1' => '510 Townsend St',
        'postal_code' => '98140',
        'city' => 'San Francisco',
        'state' => 'CA',
        'country' => 'US',

    ['source' => $request->stripeToken]

Stripe\Charge::create ([
    "customer" => $customer->id,
    "amount" => 100 * 100,
    "currency" => "usd",
    "description" => "Test payment from stripe.test." , 