String POOL in java

What was the need to make String POOL?

When created, a String object is stored in heap, and the String literal, that is sent in the constructor, is stored in SP. Thats why using String objects is not a good practice. Becused it creates two objects.

String str = new String("stackoverflow");

Above str is saved in heap with the reference str, and String literal from the constructor -"stackoverflow" - is stored in String Pool. And that is bad for performance. Two objects are crated.

The flow: Creating a String literal -> JVM looks for the value in the String Pool as to find whether same value exists or not (no object to be returned) -> The value is not find -> The String literal is created as a new object (internally with the new keyword) -> But now is not sent to the heap , it is send instead in String Pool.

The difference consist where the object is created using new keyword. If it is created by the programmer, it send the object in the heap, directly, without delay. If it is created internally it is sent to String Poll. This is done by the method intern(). intern() is invoke internally when declaring a String literal. And this method is searching SP for identical value as to return the reference of an existing String object or/and to send the object to the SP.

When creating a String obj with new, intern() is not invoked and the object is stored in heap. But you can call intern() on String obj's: String str = new String().intern(); now the str object will be stored in SP. ex:

String s1 = new String("hello").intern();
String s2 = "hello";
System.out.println(s1 == s2); // true , because now s1 is in SP

A pool is possible because the strings are immutable. But the immutability of the String hasn't been decided only because of this pool. Immutability has numerous other benefits. BTW, a Double is also immutable, and there is no pool of Doubles.

The need for the String pool is to reduce the memory needed to hold all the String literals (and the interned Strings) a program uses, since these literals have a good chance of being used many times, in many places of the program. Instead of having thousands of copies of the same String literal, you just have thousand references to the same String, which reduces the memory usage.

Note that the String class is not different from other classes: it holds its own char array. It may also share it with other String instances, though, when substring is called.



