Stream.findFirst different than Optional.of?

An Optional<B> is not a subtype of Optional<A>. Unlike other programming languages, Java’s generic type system does not know “read only types” or “output type parameters”, so it doesn’t understand that Optional<B> only provides an instance of B and could work at places where an Optional<A> is required.

When we write a statement like

Optional<A> o = Optional.of(new B());

Java’s type inference uses the target type to determine that we want

Optional<A> o = Optional.<A>of(new B());

which is valid as new B() can be used where an instance of A is required.

The same applies to

return Optional.of(
             .map(s -> new B())

where the method’s declared return type is used to infer the type arguments to the Optional.of invocation and passing the result of get(), an instance of B, where A is required, is valid.

Unfortunately, this target type inference doesn’t work through chained invocations, so for

     .map(s -> new B())

it is not used for the map call. So for the map call, the type inference uses the type of new B() and its result type will be Stream<B>. The second problem is that findFirst() is not generic, calling it on a Stream<T> invariably produces a Optional<T> (and Java’s generics does not allow to declare a type variable like <R super T>, so it is not even possible to produce an Optional<R> with the desired type here).

→ The solution is to provide an explicit type for the map call:

public Optional<A> getItems(List<String> items){
         .<A>map(s -> new B())

Just for completeness, as said, findFirst() is not generic and hence, can’t use the target type. Chaining a generic method allowing a type change would also fix the problem:

public Optional<A> getItems(List<String> items){
         .map(s -> new B())

But I recommend using the solution of providing an explicit type for the map invocation.

The issue you have is with inheritance for generics. Optional< B > doesn't extend Optional< A >, so it can't be returned as such.

I'd imagine that something like this:

public Optional<? extends A> getItems( List<String> items){
        .map(s -> new B())


public Optional<?> getItems( List<String> items){
        .map(s -> new B())

Would work fine, depending on your needs.

Edit: escaping some characters

An Optional<B> is not a sub-class of Optional<A>.

In the first case, you have a Stream<B>, so findFirst returns an Optional<B>, which cannot be converted to an Optional<A>.

In the second case, you have a stream pipeline that returns an instance of B. When you pass that instance to Optional.of(), the compiler sees that the return type of the method is Optional<A>, so Optional.of() returns an Optional<A> (since an Optional<A> can hold an instance of B as its value (since B extends A)).