Stream based parsing and writing of JSON

Why can't you retrieve a single record at a time from the database, process it as necessary, convert it to JSON, then emit it with a trailing/delimiting comma?

If you started with a file that only contained [, then appended all your JSON strings, then, on the final entry didn't append a comma, and instead used a closing ], you'd have a JSON array of hashes, and would only have to process one row's worth at a time.

It'd be a tiny bit slower (maybe) but wouldn't impact your system. And DB I/O can be very fast if you use blocking/paging to retrieve a reasonable number of records at a time.

For instance, here's a combination of some Sequel example code, and code to extract the rows as JSON and build a larger JSON structure:

require 'json'
require 'sequel'

DB = Sequel.sqlite # memory database

DB.create_table :items do
  primary_key :id
  String :name
  Float :price

items = DB[:items] # Create a dataset

# Populate the table
items.insert(:name => 'abc', :price => rand * 100)
items.insert(:name => 'def', :price => rand * 100)
items.insert(:name => 'ghi', :price => rand * 100)

add_comma = false

puts '['
items.order(:price).each do |item|
  puts ',' if add_comma
  add_comma ||= true
  print JSON[item]
puts "\n]"

Which outputs:


Notice the order is now by "price".

Validation is easy:

require 'json'
require 'pp'

pp JSON[<<EOT]

Which results in:

[{"id"=>2, "name"=>"def", "price"=>3.714714089426208},
 {"id"=>3, "name"=>"ghi", "price"=>27.0179624376119},
 {"id"=>1, "name"=>"abc", "price"=>52.51248221170203}]

This validates the JSON and demonstrates that the original data is recoverable. Each row retrieved from the database should be a minimal "bitesized" piece of the overall JSON structure you want to build.

Building upon that, here's how to read incoming JSON in the database, manipulate it, then emit it as a JSON file:

require 'json'
require 'sequel'

DB = Sequel.sqlite # memory database

DB.create_table :items do
  primary_key :id
  String :json

items = DB[:items] # Create a dataset

# Populate the table
items.insert(:json => JSON[:name => 'abc', :price => rand * 100])
items.insert(:json => JSON[:name => 'def', :price => rand * 100])
items.insert(:json => JSON[:name => 'ghi', :price => rand * 100])
items.insert(:json => JSON[:name => 'jkl', :price => rand * 100])
items.insert(:json => JSON[:name => 'mno', :price => rand * 100])
items.insert(:json => JSON[:name => 'pqr', :price => rand * 100])
items.insert(:json => JSON[:name => 'stu', :price => rand * 100])
items.insert(:json => JSON[:name => 'vwx', :price => rand * 100])
items.insert(:json => JSON[:name => 'yz_', :price => rand * 100])

add_comma = false

puts '['
items.each do |item|
  puts ',' if add_comma
  add_comma ||= true
  print JSON[
    ].merge('foo' => 'bar', 'time' =>
puts "\n]"

Which generates:


I added the timestamp so you can see that each row is processed individually, AND to give you an idea how fast the rows are being processed. Granted, this is a tiny, in-memory database, which has no network I/O to content with, but a normal network connection through a switch to a database on a reasonable DB host should be pretty fast too. Telling the ORM to read the DB in chunks can speed up the processing because the DBM will be able to return larger blocks to more efficiently fill the packets. You'll have to experiment to determine what size chunks you need because it will vary based on your network, your hosts, and the size of your records.

Your original design isn't good when dealing with enterprise-sized databases, especially when your hardware resources are limited. Over the years we've learned how to parse BIG databases, which make 20,000 row tables appear miniscule. VM slices are common these days and we use them for crunching, so they're often the PCs of yesteryear: single CPU with small memory footprints and dinky drives. We can't beat them up or they'll be bottlenecks, so we have to break the data into the smallest atomic pieces we can.

Harping about DB design: Storing JSON in a database is a questionable practice. DBMs these days can spew JSON, YAML and XML representations of rows, but forcing the DBM to search inside stored JSON, YAML or XML strings is a major hit in processing speed, so avoid it at all costs unless you also have the equivalent lookup data indexed in separate fields so your searches are at the highest possible speed. If the data is available in separate fields, then doing good ol' database queries, tweaking in the DBM or your scripting language of choice, and emitting the massaged data becomes a lot easier.