Strange behavior with python slicing

a[3:8:-1] instructs python to start from 3 and go to 8 by steps of -1

This creates an empty list: it's not possible to reach 8 from 3 by adding -1 (just like list(range(3,8,-1)) which gives an empty list too)

When you do a[:5:-1] then start is the default start, which python sets to "end of list" so it "works"

Same as when you do a[::-1] the start & stop are the default ones, and python understands that they're from end to start (else this notation wouldn't be useable)



The start and stop positions of the slice aren't adjusted based on the step. With a negative step, you're having it go backwards from 3, but there are no elements with indices in the range 3 to 8 counting back from 3, so you get an empty list.

You need to set the start and stop accordingly:


Which will count back from 8 to 4.



