stopService doesn't stop's my service.... why?

Have you implemented onDestroy()? If not, I believe that might be the solution - and you stop your Timer or whatever you're using to run the service within onDestroy().

A service can be stopped by calling its stopSelf() method, or by calling Context.stopService().

See this link for some more information.

i am sure that it's not stopped cause on my database i still recive gps positions from the emulator when i have press the button to stop the service.

You probably are not unregistering your LocationListener.

I had the same problem. I found that if the service has GoogleApiClient connected and still get location update, the stopService() has totally no effect, the service's industry() was not called. To fix the problem, I created a function to stop the location service in the service code. Call the stopLocationService() from the activity, and then call stopService. Here is the code example:

public class myLocationService extends Service{

    public void stopLocationUpdates() {



In activity,

    if(mService != null && isBound) {

        stopService(new Intent(this,   myLocationService.class));
