Stopping long-sleep threads

There are two traditional ways you could do this.

You could use a timed wait on a condition variable, and have the other thread signal your periodic thread to wake up and die when it's time.

Alternately you could poll on a pipe with your sleep as a timeout instead of of sleeping. Then you just write a byte to the pipe and the thread wakes up and can exit.

Use a condition variable. You wait on the condition variable or 5 minutes passing. Remember to check for spurious wakeups.


I cannot find a good stack overflow post on how to use a condition variable in a minute or two of google searching. The tricky part is realizing that the wait can wake up with neither 5 minutes passing, nor a signal being sent. The cleanest way to handle this is to use the wait methods with a lambda that double-checks that the wakeup was a "good" one.

here is some sample code over at cppreference that uses wait_until with a lambda. (wait_for with a lambda is equivalent to wait_until with a lambda). I modified it slightly.

Here is an version:

struct timer_killer {
  // returns false if killed:
  template<class R, class P>
  bool wait_for( std::chrono::duration<R,P> const& time ) const {
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
    return !cv.wait_for(lock, time, [&]{return terminate;});
  void kill() {
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
    terminate=true; // should be modified inside mutex lock
    cv.notify_all(); // it is safe, and *sometimes* optimal, to do this outside the lock
  // I like to explicitly delete/default special member functions:
  timer_killer() = default;
  timer_killer(timer_killer const&)=delete;
  timer_killer& operator=(timer_killer&&)=delete;
  timer_killer& operator=(timer_killer const&)=delete;
  mutable std::condition_variable cv;
  mutable std::mutex m;
  bool terminate = false;

live example.

You create a timer_killer in a shared spot. Client threads can wait_for( time ). If it returns false, it means you where killed before your wait was complete.

The controlling thread just calls kill() and everyone doing a wait_for gets a false return.

Note that there is some contention (locking of the mutex), so this isn't suitable for infinite threads (but few things are). Consider using a scheduler if you need to have an unbounded number of tasks that are run with arbitrary delays instead of a full thread per delayed repeating task -- each real thread is upwards of a megabyte of system address space used (just for the stack).