Stop ssh login from printing motd from the client?

Solution 1:

I'm not sure why you have an aversion to doing this correctly - either on the server a la

PrintMotd no
PrintLastLog no


# Print the message of the day upon successful login.
# session    optional

Or adding ~/.hushlogin for each user.

Hint, for ~/.hushlogin, add it to /etc/skel so new user home directories are created with the file.


Without more information about your backup cron job, my only other suggestion is to redirect the output of the command to a file (or let cron capture it in email) and the output of the ssh session to /dev/null. Something like:

0 0 * * * ssh backuphost "backup_script_that_writes_to_a_log" >/dev/null


0 0 * * * ssh backuphost "backup_command 2>&1" >/dev/null

I'd have to play around with the commands a bit, but that should get you started.

Solution 2:

If you want this on a per-user basis, just do a touch ~/.hushlogin and you're all set with OpenSSH.

Update: As pointed out elsewhere, pam_motd may be configured to not use a per-user .hushlogin; check /etc/login.defs for HUSHLOGIN_FILE. It may be configured to have all users listed in /etc/hushlogins or similar.

Solution 3:

@note All examples assume you've set a variable connectionString with something like connectionString=user@server.

How I got to the solution

Using ssh -T should work for simple commands. For example this doesn't print any extra information:

ssh -T $connectionString "echo 'blah'"

The problem is when you try to use here-doc to run many commands. For example - bellow will NOT work - it will echo message of the day (MoTD) and also might show you "stdin: is not a tty".

somethingLocal='something local'
ssh -T $connectionString <<EOC
    echo 'blah'
    echo "blah $somethingLocal"

To workaround the issue you need first save commands to local variable and the send them to remote server.

somethingLocal='something local'
read -r -d '' commands <<EOC
    echo 'blah'
    echo "blah $somethingLocal"
ssh -T $connectionString "$commands"

But that's messy...

Final solution

Make a universal function (note that it can take a string or HEREDOC as commands).

function silentSsh {
    local connectionString="$1"
    local commands="$2"
    if [ -z "$commands" ]; then
    ssh -T $connectionString "$commands"


Use this like so:

somethingLocal='something local'
silentSsh $connectionString <<EOC
    echo 'blah'
    echo "blah $somethingLocal"

Or like so:

silentSsh $connectionString "echo 'blah'"

Or like so:

silentSsh $connectionString <<'EOC'
    echo 'blah'
    somethingRemote=`echo 'whatever'`
    echo "blah $somethingRemote"

Or even like so:

silentSsh $connectionString <

Solution 4:

How about this hack? ;-P

ssh -t user@machineName '/bin/bash'

The following is not valid:

Passing -T to ssh to disable tty allocation:

ssh -T machineName 'echo foo'

Solution 5:

What operating system is this? On some systems (like ubuntu) the motd isn't printed by the ssh server (PrintMotd in /etc/ssh/sshd_config), but by pam with pam_motd. If this is the case then you probably can't control it from the client.



