Stomp.js is out of date and no longer maintained - which Stomp client to use with Spring Websockets?

I've been wondering about this as well, but haven't been able to find anything concrete. The closest I've come across has been webstomp-client:

It claims to be a fork of the original stomp.js, and it looks like it's actively maintained.

Unrelated to the question, but related to what I've been working on recently, I also found a fork of webstomp-client that implements an RxJS client as well; posting some links in case it's useful to someone in the future.

Please check (@stomp/stompjs at npm). It is based on the original, however fixes known issues, supports auto reconnect, binary data, callbacks. Written in Typescript and distributed as UMD (usable from Node as well as browsers).

It also has variants for RxJS ( and Angular (

This is actively maintained.