Stereographic Projection

I think you can do like this:

f[{x_, y_}] := {(2 x)/(1 + x^2 + y^2), (2 y)/(
  1 + x^2 + y^2), (-1 + x^2 + y^2)/(1 + x^2 + y^2)}

for points:

 Graphics3D[{{Black, PointSize[Large], Point[{0, 0, 1}]}, {Black, 
    PointSize[Large], Point[Append[pt, 0]]}, {Pink, PointSize[Large], 
    Point[f[pt]]}, {Opacity[0.2], Sphere[]}, {Opacity[0.2], 
    Cuboid[{-2.1, -2.1, -.01}, {2.1, 2.1, 0}]}, {Line[{{0, 0, 1}, 
      f[pt], Append[pt, 0]}]}}, 
  PlotRange -> 2], {pt, {-2, -2}, {2, 2}}]

enter image description here

for a general line:

p = Plot[Sin[2 x], {x, 0, π}];
pts = Cases[p, Line[x__] :> x, ∞][[1]];
Graphics3D[{{Pink, Line[f /@ pts]}, {Opacity[0.2], Sphere[]}, {Black, 
   Line[pts /. {x_, y_} -> {x, y, 0}]}}]

enter image description here

for circle:

 Block[{cc, pts}, 
  cc = ParametricPlot[
    pt0 + {r0 Cos[θ], r0 Sin[θ]}, {θ, 0, 
     2 π}];
  pts = Cases[cc, Line[x__] :> x, ∞][[1]]; 
  Graphics3D[{{Pink, Line[f /@ pts]}, {Opacity[0.2], 
     Sphere[]}, {Black, Line[pts /. {x_, y_} -> {x, y, 0}]}}, 
   PlotRange -> 2.5]], {{pt0, {0, 0}}, {-2, -2}, {2, 2}}, {{r0, 0.2}, 
  0, 1}]

enter image description here

Just to extend the answer of @user0501 (a little) using the definition of f:

pp[x_] := 
 ParametricPlot3D[ f[{x + u, y}], {u, 0, 0.1}, {y, -1, 1}, 
  Mesh -> None]
ppy[y_] := 
 ParametricPlot3D[ f[{x, y + u}], {u, 0, 0.1}, {x, -1, 1}, 
  Mesh -> None]
Show[Table[pp[j], {j, -1, 1, 0.25}]~Join~
  Table[ppy[j], {j, -1, 1, 0.25}], 
 PlotRange -> {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}, Background -> Black, 
 Boxed -> False]

enter image description here