Start up cmder ConEmu console in a specific folder

Go to Setup and Click on 'Startup dir...' button and specify startup directory. As you can see in example bellow startup directory is C:\DEV enter image description here

Instructions: Open Cmder -> Settings -> Tasks -> select {cmd::Cmder} (in my case). On the bottom (below textarea) you have button named "Startup dir...", and than select startup directory. Close cmder, and start again. That's it, enjoy

Change %USERPROFILE% to desired folder instead.

Two ways:

  1. If you want to change the location PER task: do what "Maximus" said, change %USERPROFILE% to the specific location. The downside is that when creating a new console window, the "startup directory for new process" (see image below) will still be the default ConEmu installation directory.
  2. If you want to change the "Startup directory for new process:" location (from the default ConEmu installation directory to custom) when creating a new console:

enter image description here

Then create a shortcut for ConEmu / Cmder and change the "Start in:" attribute in the shortcut properties; like so:

enter image description here

Now simply use the shortcut instead of the exe. This has the benefit of changing the start location for ALL the tasks (all terminals you have setup).