Start Synergy (or any application) BEFORE logging in Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS

For 16.04.2 create the following file (it doesn't exist)


with the contents:


greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/synergyc --name <hostname> 192.168.x.x

Follow this ubuntu wiki guide for more information.


From man synergyc:


options must not include -f or --no-daemon. It's important to make sure no old copies of synergy are running so they can't interfere with the new one.

Go into your startup..for newbies like me do it this way:

  • "search your computer" type in start, click on Startup Applications
  • click Add

    • Name: Synergy
    • Command: browse if you like but its /usr/bin/synergy

    thats it, DO NOT ADD ANY "c", nothing to the end of synergy.

Now I also have the script running because I was too lazy to remove both are there.


greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/synergyc --MediaServer

now to find the port is interesting, its not the default port so do this type in terminal

netstat  -atn

now how I found it was look for your server ip...I know my SYNERGY server ip so right across from it is my client ip and port number.