Stackview exchange or change order of views

Try this bunch of code for replacing views in UIStackView, without refreshing any layouts.

if let objView = stackView.arrangedSubviews.first {
stackView.insertArrangedSubview(yourView, at: 0)

This is my solution in Swift 3. It can also be used without defining the view in the stackview.

Here I am changing the locations of the views of a Stackview with two views:

if let myView = stackView.subviews.first {

    stackView.insertArrangedSubview(myView, at: 1)

It is strange behaviour, but problem with the autolayout system, that should be updated before you can add localityTF back. Also don't forget that removeArrangedSubview does not remove the view from subviews array:

[self.stackView removeArrangedSubview:_label1];
[self.stackView setNeedsLayout];
[self.stackView layoutIfNeeded];

[self.stackView insertArrangedSubview:_label1 atIndex:2];   
[self.stackView setNeedsLayout];