Stacking 3 font weights

REVISED ANSWER (including actual 3-weight font)

This revision actually simplifies things a bit, as I don't have to do pdfliteral tricks to change the font weight, but actually use a font (OpenSans) that has 3 font weights.

The new trick here was setting each font weight with letter spacing equivalent to the bold-weight spacing, for which I created the macro \boldwidth{}.



\color{black!50}\savestack\regular{\kern.1pt\rotatebox{3.5}{\clipbox{-1pt -1pt 0pt 4pt}{%

\color{black!30}\savestack\heavy{\clipbox{-1pt -1pt 0pt 5pt}{\boldwidth{JUNCTION}}}


enter image description here


Based on a simplified version of my part 2 answer at Have LaTeX document slowly transform/fade from one font into another, which employs pdfliteral magic provided by Malipivo at TikZ: halo around text?. That "stuff" allows me to set the color and thickness of the text, using pdf literal code. I threw away the part of those answers that dealt with automatically varying the transformation as a function of text length.

NOTE: if I had a font that could give me three separate weights directly, I would not need this pdfliteral stuff at all. Maybe someone could suggest a font.

Once I have the variable thickness/color texts, I create three versions in three different colors/weights, and then \trimclip them (with rotation as needed), and overlay them.

\input pdf-trans
  \boxgs{Q q 2 Tr \thickness\space w \fillcol\space \bordercol\space}{}%
\def\colsplithelp#1#2 #3\relax{%
  \edef\tmpB{\tmpB#1#2 }%
  \ifnum `#1>`9\relax\def\tmpC{#3}\else\colsplithelp#3\relax\fi
%%% BRUNO's \slantbox
        \pdfsetmatrix{1 0 #1 1}%


  \rotatebox{3}{\clipbox{0pt -1pt 0pt 4pt}{\rotatebox{-3}{\outline{JUNCTION}}}}%

  \clipbox{0pt -1pt 0pt 5pt}{\outline{JUNCTION}}%


enter image description here

I still have a problem with letter alignment but this is an initial solution with TikZ and microtype. As I don't know how to use microtype or even don't know if it's the way to solve the problem, so feel free to change it.

enter image description here




\node[minimum height=1cm, minimum width=3cm,
    fill=black!80, font=\fontseries{l}\selectfont, text=black!70] (A) {\textls[50]{JUNCTION}};

\clip ([yshift= -1pt]A.west)|-(A.south east)--([yshift= 4pt]A.east)--cycle;
\node[minimum height=1cm, minimum width=3cm,
    fill=none, font=\fontseries{m}\selectfont, text=black!50, anchor=south] (B) at (A.south) {\textls[25]{JUNCTION}};

\clip ([yshift= -2pt]A.west)|-(A.south east)--([yshift= 1pt]A.east)--cycle;
\node[minimum height=1cm, minimum width=3cm,
    fill=none, font=\fontseries{b}\selectfont, text=black!30, anchor=south] (C) at (A.south) {JUNCTION};





Tikz Pgf