`ssh -T` to VSTS(Azure Devops) authenticates successfully, but `git clone` fails

In my case, adding IdentitiesOnly yes to the ~/.ssh/config file for the VSO host did the trick.

You need to force the client to use specific private key, otherwise it uses the default one.

To check which private key file used for a host, you can run

ssh -v [host(e.g. [email protected])]

One way is that you can configure it in the config file. (My steps for windows)

  1. Run touch .ssh/config if there isn’t config file in .ssh folder
  2. Open config file


Host xx.visualstudio.com
  IdentityFile /c/Users/xx/.ssh/id_vsts
  1. Open new command line and run Git clone command

Another way is that, you can run ssh -i /path/to/id_rsa [email protected] command.

More information, you can refer to this article: Force SSH Client To Use Given Private Key (identity file)