\sqrt too long for one line

I'd remove the square root sign altogether:




\Diff\sigma_{V,ij} =\Bigl(
&  \Diff\sigma_{x,ij}^2 + \Diff\sigma_{y,ij}^2 + \Diff\sigma_{z,ij}^2 \\
&- \bigl(\Diff\sigma_{x,ij}\Diff\sigma_{y,ij} +
    \Diff\sigma_{y,ij}\Diff\sigma_{z,ij} +
    \Diff\sigma_{z,ij}\Diff\sigma_{x,ij}\bigr) \\
&+ 3\bigl(\Diff\tau_{xy,ij}^2 + \Diff\tau_{yz,ij}^2 + \Diff\tau_{zx,ij}^2\bigr)

={}& \Diff\sigma_{x,ij}^2 + \Diff\sigma_{y,ij}^2 + \Diff\sigma_{z,ij}^2 \\
&- \bigl(\Diff\sigma_{x,ij}\Diff\sigma_{y,ij} +
    \Diff\sigma_{y,ij}\Diff\sigma_{z,ij} +
    \Diff\sigma_{z,ij}\Diff\sigma_{x,ij}\bigr) \\
&+ 3\bigl(\Diff\tau_{xy,ij}^2 + \Diff\tau_{yz,ij}^2 + \Diff\tau_{zx,ij}^2\bigr)


With \Diff you need no \cdot, as the spacing will suffice.

enter image description here

For details, see How continue a equation next line.


    \Delta\sigma_{V,ij} = \sqrt{\Delta\sigma_{x,ij}^2 + \Delta\sigma_{y,ij}^2 + \Delta\sigma_{z,ij}^2 - (\Delta\sigma_{x,ij}\cdot\Delta\sigma_{y,ij} + \Delta\sigma_{y,ij}\cdot\Delta\sigma_{z,ij} + \Delta\sigma_{z,ij}\cdot\Delta\sigma_{x,ij}) + 3 \cdot (\Delta\tau_{xy,ij}^2 + \Delta\tau_{yz,ij}^2 + \Delta\tau_{zx,ij}^2)}

% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/364116/
    \Delta\sigma_{V,ij} =
    \Delta\sigma_{x,ij}^2 + \Delta\sigma_{y,ij}^2 + \Delta\sigma_{z,ij}^2 - \\
    (\Delta\sigma_{x,ij}\cdot\Delta\sigma_{y,ij} + \Delta\sigma_{y,ij}\cdot\Delta\sigma_{z,ij} + \Delta\sigma_{z,ij}\cdot\Delta\sigma_{x,ij}) + \\ 
    3 \cdot (\Delta\tau_{xy,ij}^2 + \Delta\tau_{yz,ij}^2 + \Delta\tau_{zx,ij}^2)


enter image description here

I propose to split the square root symbol over two lines with a hack, in two variants:

\usepackage{mathtools, nccmath}


   & Δ\sigma_{V,ij} = \\
    √{Δ\sigma_{x,ij}² + Δ\sigma_{y,ij}² + Δ\sigma_{z,ij}² - (Δ\sigma_{x,ij} · \Delta\sigma_{y,ij} + Δ\sigma_{y,ij} · \Delta\sigma_{z,ij} + Δ\sigma_{z,ij} · \Delta\sigma_{x,ij})} \\[0.5ex]
     \overline{\rule{0pt}{2.4ex}+ 3 · (Δ\tau_{xy,ij}² + Δ\tau_{yz,ij}² + Δ\tau_{zx,ij}²)}

   & Δ\sigma_{V,ij} = \\
    √{Δ\sigma_{x,ij}² + Δ\sigma_{y,ij}² + Δ\sigma_{z,ij}² - (Δ\sigma_{x,ij} · \Delta\sigma_{y,ij} + Δ\sigma_{y,ij} · \Delta\sigma_{z,ij} + Δ\sigma_{z,ij} · \Delta\sigma_{x,ij})}\hdashrule[2.66ex]{1.8em}{0.4pt}{2pt} \\[0.5ex]
     {\hdashrule[2.67ex]{1.8em}{0.4pt}{2pt}}\mkern -4mu\overline{\rule{0pt}{2.4ex}+ 3 · (Δ\tau_{xy,ij}² + Δ\tau_{yz,ij}² + Δ\tau_{zx,ij}²)}


enter image description here


