SQL Server Select last 4 weeks from now and same period from last year only

You can use some more DATEADD() goodness to go back to the previous year:

where theDate >= DATEADD(mm, -1, GETDATE())    
    (theDate <= DATEADD(week,-52,convert(datetime,GETDATE()))
     theDate >= DATEADD(mm,-1,DATEADD(week,-52,convert(datetime,GETDATE()))))

Subtracting 52 weeks from 6/30/2011 returns 7/1/2010 as you requested... Then using your original subtraction of 1 month from there for the lower bound.

You could also switch the whole thing to use weeks...

where theDate >= DATEADD(week, -4, GETDATE())    
    (theDate <= DATEADD(week,-52,convert(datetime,GETDATE()))
     theDate >= DATEADD(week,-56,convert(datetime,GETDATE())))