SQL Server injection - how much damage in 26 chars?



Or, I guess in this case it'd be

grant execute to lowlydba 

Take your pick of variations on this.

In all likelihood you may be able to test this now against your current system, but any number of small changes in the database over time could invalidate your testing. The character string could change, someone could create a lower case stored procedure that has destructive potential - anything. You can never say with 100% confidence that there isn't a destructive 26 character attack someone could construct.

I suggest you find a way to make the developer follow basic industry standard best security practices, if only for your own sake as someone who I presume is at least partially responsible should security breaches happen.


And for maliciousness/fun, you could try enabling every trace flag. This would be interesting to observe. Feels like a blog post Brent Ozar would make...

DBCC TRACEON(xxxx, -1)

The SHUTDOWN command or KILL Command (pick a random number over 50) both take significantly less than 26 characters, though the account executing the application queries hopefully doesn't have sufficient permissions to run these.

You could create a table that you then fill up until the end of time or disk space runs out whichever comes first.

declare @S char(26);

set @S = 'create table t(c char(99))';
exec (@S);

set @S = 'insert t values('''')'
exec (@S);

set @S = 'insert t select c from t'
exec (@S);
exec (@S);
exec (@S);
exec (@S);
-- etc