SQL Server history of growth and shrink events

Is there a way to look at the complete history of growth and shrink events for the last weeks/months on SQL Server 2014 ?

There is easy way to get information about Data/log file autogrowth and Auto shrink events from database reports. The report fetches data from default trace. I am not sure how recent would be your report that depends on when was default trace rolled over. The default size is 20 MB after which it will roll over and also note that after SQL Server restart the trace will be rolled over

Connect to SQL Server instance and then right click on database and then select reports and then standard reports and then click disk usage.

In the report which comes look for Data/log file autogrowt auto shrink events and expand the + sign this is just below the circular usage report. The report would look like below.

In my case it only reported autogrowth event as I don't have auto shrink or any shrink activity running, which I guess you know is utterly bad.

enter image description here

Is there a way to look at the complete history of growth and shrink events for the last weeks/months on SQL Server 2014

Yes there is a way, or should i say various ways to save the data collected from default trace as explained here Collecting the Information in the Default Trace

  1. We could query the default trace files and save aggregated values
  2. We could get the definition of the default trace and create a collection set, which can be used with Management Data Warehouse, which is built in with SQL Server.
  3. We could get the definition of the default trace and create a remote trace from another server and save the data to a database table
  4. We could use a robocopy script to copy the trace files from our server to a different folder or a remote machine, which will leave the files on disk for longer time, giving us the possibility to analyze them

Came up with below query, but it doesn't show any of the "manual" log shrink events, just the "auto" events. Am I doing this the wrong way, any other place to look for past info ?To capture the manual shrink events i use query like below:

[fn_trace_gettable]('C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\log_75.trc', DEFAULT) 
WHERE TextData LIKE '%SHRINKFILE%'; ----- Location of default trace will be different ,so kindly check that accordingly

Probable reason you're query does not display manual grow or shrink events because you use events like (93, 95) which are for auto grow events