SQL SERVER Agent stops working Automatically

Start > search for "Services", Component Services, locar Services - "SQL Server Agent" in the list, and change Manual to automatic.

It will start the service the service automatically.

"You can configure SQL Server Agent to restart the SQL Server and SQL Server Agent services automatically if they stop unexpectedly"

  1. Open the SQL Server Management Studio Management folder, right-click the SQL Server Agent entry, and select Properties.

  2. On the General page, select the Auto Restart SQL Server If It Stops Unexpectedly check box.

  3. Here, you should also select the Auto Restart SQL Server Agent If It Stops Unexpectedly check box.

  4. Click OK.

Read more about Configure SQL Server Agent to Restart Services Automatically

Also check Access control lists for the SQL Agent group in case its related.

Configure Windows Service Accounts and Permissions

Just to add .02 cents, this was happening to me as well. I figured out that my SQL Server Agent was stopping when my server was automatically restarted for Windows updates. The associated service for the agent was set to restart manually. I went straight to the Windows Services panel (Start > search for "Services"), found "SQL Server Agent" in the list, and set it to start automatically.