SQL query to have a complete geojson feature from PostGIS?

This can be done a bit more simply with json_build_object in PostgreSQL 9.4+, which lets you build up a JSON by supplying alternating key/value arguments. For example:

SELECT json_build_object(
    'type',       'Feature',
    'id',         gid,
    'geometry',   ST_AsGeoJSON(geom)::json,
    'properties', json_build_object(
        'feat_type', feat_type,
        'feat_area', ST_Area(geom)::geography
 FROM input_table;

Things get even better in PostgreSQL 9.5+, where some new operators are added for the jsonb data type (docs). This makes it easy to set up a "properties" object that contains everything but the id and geometry.

SELECT jsonb_build_object(
    'type',       'Feature',
    'id',         gid,
    'geometry',   ST_AsGeoJSON(geom)::jsonb,
    'properties', to_jsonb(row) - 'gid' - 'geom'
) FROM (SELECT * FROM input_table) row;

Want to make a FeatureCollection? Just wrap it all up with jsonb_agg:

SELECT jsonb_build_object(
    'type',     'FeatureCollection',
    'features', jsonb_agg(features.feature)
  SELECT jsonb_build_object(
    'type',       'Feature',
    'id',         gid,
    'geometry',   ST_AsGeoJSON(geom)::jsonb,
    'properties', to_jsonb(inputs) - 'gid' - 'geom'
  ) AS feature
  FROM (SELECT * FROM input_table) inputs) features;

This answer could be used with PostgreSQL version anterior to 9.4. Use dbaston's answer for PostgreSQL 9.4+

The query is the following: (where 'GEOM' is the geometry field, id the field to include in json properties, shapefile_feature the table name, and 489445 is the id of the feature wanted)

SELECT row_to_json(f) As feature \
     FROM (SELECT 'Feature' As type \
     , ST_AsGeoJSON('GEOM')::json As geometry \
     , row_to_json((SELECT l FROM (SELECT id AS feat_id) As l)) As properties \
     FROM shapefile_feature As l WHERE l.id = 489445) As f;



@dbaston's answer has been modified lately by @John Powell aka Barça, and it produces invalid geojsons on my end. As modified, the aggregation on features returns each feature nested inside a json object, which is invalid.

I don't have the reputation to comment directly on the answer, but the final jsonb_agg should be on the column "feature" and not on the "features" subquery. Aggregating on the column name (or "features.feature" if you find it neater) puts every element straight in the "features" array after the aggregation, which is the right way to go.

So the following, which is pretty similar to @dbaston's answer as it was up until a few weeks ago (plus @Jonh Powell's correction to subquery naming) does work:

SELECT jsonb_build_object(
  'type',     'FeatureCollection',
  'features', jsonb_agg(feature)
  SELECT jsonb_build_object(
    'type',       'Feature',
    'id',         gid,
    'geometry',   ST_AsGeoJSON(geom)::jsonb,
    'properties', to_jsonb(inputs) - 'gid' - 'geom'
  ) AS feature
  FROM (
    SELECT * FROM input_table
  ) inputs
) features;