mysql rename field code example

Example 1: rename table in mysql

RENAME TABLE old_table TO new_table;

Example 2: how ot change name of column mysql

ALTER TABLE tableName CHANGE `oldcolname` `newcolname` datatype(length);

Example 3: rename column mysql

ALTER TABLE tableName CHANGE `oldcolname` `newcolname` datatype(length);
(you can remove the backticks if it doesn't work)

Example 4: how to change column name in mysql

alter table product change price price_kg float;

Example 5: alter rename command in mysql

-- mysql
ALTER TABLE `members` CHANGE COLUMN `full_names` `fullname` char(250) NOT NULL;

Example 6: modify column name in tsql

sp_rename 'table_name.old_column', 'new_name', 'COLUMN';


Sql Example