Spring "spring.profiles.include" overrides

Spring Boot 2.4 changes the mechanism for including multiple profiles to use a new profile groups feature, rather than using spring.profiles.include within the profile-specific document. This means that your configuration is no longer valid for new versions of Spring Boot, and would need to be changed.

That said, your use case does not seem to be a great fit for profile groups, as it's not really combining two profiles so much as overriding defaults. Therefore, I recommend using the approach suggested in another answer of putting the common and default properties in a shared application.yaml file, and only including the environment-specific values & overrides in the profile-specific documents.


  myproperty: 44 # Default value


  myproperty: 55 # Override default

Note that Spring Boot supports multi-document files, so these can be combined into a single application.yaml file if desired:

  myproperty: 44 # Default value
spring.config.activate.on-profile: bar # These configs apply to the bar profile
  myproperty: 55 # Override default

Relevant 2.4 Changes

It is no longer possible to use spring.profiles.include within a profile-specific document as of Spring Boot 2.4, unless legacy mode is enabled using spring.config.use-legacy-processing=true. Per the 2.4 Spring Boot Config Data Migration Guide:

you can still use the spring.profiles.include property, but only in non profile-specific documents.

This approach has been replaced by the profile groups feature. Per the migration guide:

As discussed above, it’s no longer possible to use spring.profiles.include in a profile-specific document so this file isn’t valid.

Since this use-case is quite common, we’ve tried to provide another way to support it. In Spring Boot 2.4 you can use the “profile groups” feature.

This feature is documented in the Profile Groups section of the Spring Boot reference guide:

A profile group allows you to define a logical name for a related group of profiles.

For example, we can create a production group that consists of our proddb and prodmq profiles.

      - "proddb"
      - "prodmq"

Our application can now be started using --spring.profiles.active=production to active the production, proddb and prodmq profiles in one hit.

The migration guide points out that the spring.profile.group property cannot be used in profile-specific documents.

The spring.profile.group property cannot be used in profile-specific documents.

We implemented the Spring active profiles in a slightly different way. Let's say the default properties file, application.yml, contains all default values which is same in both production and development environments.

Create separate properties for production and development files named application-prd.yml and application-dev.yml respectively. These files may contain extra properties or override some of the default properties.

During application startup, we pass the spring.profiles.active as an environment variable. For example,


will pick up application-prd.yml along with application.yml



will pick up application-dev.yml along with application.yml

According to the spring boot documentation here, spring.profiles.include is used to add the properties from other profiles. It will add the property from other profiles if the property is not present in active one. But if it is present, then it will overwrite and the last one to be applied wins

Sometimes, it is useful to have profile-specific properties that add to the active profiles rather than replace them. The spring.profiles.include property can be used to unconditionally add active profiles.

You could add a new profile in the application-bar.yaml:

spring.profiles.include: foo,foo-override
myproperty: 33

spring.profiles: foo-override
myproperty: 55

The order is: 33 in bar overridden by 44 in foo overridden by 55 in foo-override.