Spring MVC: Url path appending when posting the form

Depending on which version of Spring you're using, here are some options:

Spring 3.1 and lower OR Spring 3.2.3 and higher

You should have your urls/actions root-relative specific to your context path.

<form:form action="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/account/login" method="post">

Note: Spring 3.2.3 introduced servletRelativeAction but I've never used it.

Spring 3.2

Don't do anything, context path is prepended - this was actually a breaking change and eventually rolled back.

<form:form action="/account/login" method="post"> 
//will produce action="/springmvc/account/login"

Start your form action with a /.

<form:form action="/account/login" method="post">

By not doing it, you're telling the browser to append the action to the already existing URL on the address bar.

And where you have such links directly in HTML (by not using Spring's form:form), try to use c:url to properly construct the URL including the context path etc. This takes a lot of pain away from building proper relative URLs.

<a href="<c:url value="/account/register" />">Register</a>