Spring Boot, update frontend without restarting the application

I'm an Eclipse user (via Spring Tool Suite) and I never have any problems with reloading static content if the app is running in debug mode. Just right click on the main class and "Debug As->Java App" (or "Spring Boot App", it's the same). You have to also ensure that the workspace is configured to "Build Automatically", but that is the default as far as I know.

I can't offer such specific advice for users of other IDEs, but I'm sure they all have the same feature.

Best solution i found for static webpages and css is https://stackoverflow.com/a/39334398/6467734 and for loading code (including jsp) without restarting the server you can use Spring Boot Devtools dependency


In the Intellij IDEA run up your project in Debug mode and you will get the same effect.

Or externalize your static .

public class MvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {

    private String extStaticPath = "/var/www/site1/";

    public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {