Spring boot reset datasource on the fly

Found a way to update datasource on-the-fly,

I have given external spring config file which contains DB properties to the application and then refreshed the properties using @RefreshScope for the datasource bean.

A thread monitors the file changes and makes a call to actuator refresh() method.



Creating datasource,

public class DBPropRefresh {
  private String dbUrl;

  private String dbUserName;

  private String dbPassword;

  public DataSource getDatasource() {
    return new DatasourceBuilder().create().url(dbUrl).username(dbUserName).password(dbPassword);

Giving external config file to the application,

java -jar myapplication.jar --spring.config.location=database.properties

I have created a Java thread class to monitor database.properties file changes. Followed https://dzone.com/articles/how-watch-file-system-changes When there are changes then it makes call to refreshEndPoint.refresh().

In pom.xml,
