Spring Boot - How to disable @Cacheable during development?

For your second question do something like this:

Write a method that determines whether or not a particular profile is active (environment is your injected Environment)

boolean isProfileActive(String profile) { 
   return Arrays.asList(environment.getActiveProfiles()).contains(profile);

then use that for your spel condition on the cacheable annotation

The David Newcomb comment tells the truth :

spring.cache.type=NONE doesn't switch caching off, it prevents things from being cached. i.e. it still adds 27 layers of AOP/interceptor stack to your program, it's just that it doesn't do the caching. It depends what he means by "turn it all off".

Using this option may fast up the application startup but could also have some overheads.

1)To disable completely the Spring Cache feature

Move the @EnableCaching class in a dedicated configuration class that we will wrap with a @Profile to enable it :

public class CachingConfiguration {}

Of course if you already have a Configuration class that is enabled for all but the dev environment, just reuse it :

//... any other annotation 
public class NoDevConfiguration {}

2) Use a fake (noop) Cache manager

In some cases, activating @EnableCaching by profile is not enough because some of your classes or some Spring dependencies of your app expect to retrieve from the Spring container a bean implementing the org.springframework.cache.CacheManager interface.
In this case, the right way is using a fake implementation that will allow Spring to resolve all dependencies while the implementation of the CacheManager is overhead free.

We could achieve it by playing with @Bean and @Profile :

import org.springframework.cache.support.NoOpCacheManager; 

public class CacheManagerConfiguration {

    public CacheManager getRealCacheManager() {
        return new CaffeineCacheManager(); 
        // or any other implementation
        // return new EhCacheCacheManager(); 

    public CacheManager getNoOpCacheManager() {
        return new NoOpCacheManager();

Or if it is more suitable, you can add the spring.cache.type=NONE property that produces the same result as written in the M. Deinum answer.

The type of cache is by default automatically detected and configured. However you can specify which cache type to use by adding spring.cache.type to your configuration. To disable it set the value to NONE.

As you want to do it for a specific profile add it to that profiles application.properties in this case modify the application-dev.properties and add


This will disable caching.