Spring @Async method inside a Service

I solved the third method (divide it in two beans) changing the async method's access modifier to public:

public class MyService {

    MyAsyncService myAsyncService;

    public void worker() {

public class MyAsyncService {

    public void asyncJob() { // switched to public


Found a really nice way to solve this (with java8) in the case where you have a lot of various things you want to both sync and async. Instead of creating a separate XXXAsync service for each 'synchronous' service, create a generic async service wrapper:

public class AsyncService {

    public void run(final Runnable runnable) {

and then use it as such:

public class MyService {

    private AsyncService asyncService;

    public void refreshAsync() {

    public void refresh() {
        // my business logic

    public void refreshWithParamsAsync(String param1, Integer param2) {
        asyncService.run(() -> this.refreshWithParams(param1, param2));

    public void refreshWithParams(String param1, Integer param2) {
        // my business logic with parameters
