Split tuple items to separate variables

Python can unpack sequences naturally.

domain, level, url, text = ('sparkbrowser.com', 0, 'http://facebook.com/sparkbrowser', 'Facebook')

Best not to use tuple as a variable name.

You might use split(',') if you had a string like 'sparkbrowser.com,0,http://facebook.com/sparkbrowser,Facebook', that you needed to convert to a list. However you already have a tuple, so there is no need here.

If you know you have exactly the right number of components, you can unpack it directly

the_tuple = ('sparkbrowser.com', 0, 'http://facebook.com/sparkbrowser', 'Facebook')
domain, level, url, text = the_tuple

Python3 has powerful unpacking syntax. To get just the domain and the text you could use

domain, *rest, text = the_tuple

rest will contain [0, 'http://facebook.com/sparkbrowser']