Split .tfrecords file into many .tfrecords files

You can use a function like this:

import tensorflow as tf

def split_tfrecord(tfrecord_path, split_size):
    with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
        ds = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(tfrecord_path).batch(split_size)
        batch = ds.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next()
        part_num = 0
        while True:
                records = sess.run(batch)
                part_path = tfrecord_path + '.{:03d}'.format(part_num)
                with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(part_path) as writer:
                    for record in records:
                part_num += 1
            except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break

For example, to split the file my_records.tfrecord into parts of 100 records each, you would do:

split_tfrecord(my_records.tfrecord, 100)

This would create multiple smaller record files my_records.tfrecord.000, my_records.tfrecord.001, etc.

Very efficient way for TensorFlow 2.x

As mentioned by @yongjieyongjie you should use .batch() instead of .shard() to avoid iterating more often over the dataset as needed. But in case you have a very large dataset, too big for memory, it will fail (but no error), just giving you a few files and a fraction of your original dataset.

First you should batch your dataset, and use as batch size the amount of records you want to have per file (I assume your dataset is already in serialized format, otherwise see here).

dataset = dataset.batch(ITEMS_PER_FILE)

Next thing you want to do, is to use a generator to avoid running out of memory.

def write_generator():
    i = 0
    iterator = iter(dataset)
    optional = iterator.get_next_as_optional()
    while optional.has_value().numpy():
        ds = optional.get_value()
        optional = iterator.get_next_as_optional()
        batch_ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(ds)
        writer = tf.data.experimental.TFRecordWriter(save_to + "\\" + name + "-" + str(i) + ".tfrecord", compression_type='GZIP')#compression_type='GZIP'
        i += 1
        yield batch_ds, writer, i

Now simply use the generator in a normal for-loop

for data, wri, i in write_generator():
    start_time = time.time()
    print("Time needed: ", time.time() - start_time, "s", "\t", NAME_OF_FILES + "-" + str(i) + ".tfrecord")

As long one single file fits raw in memory, this should just work fine.

In tensorflow 2.0.0, this will work:

import tensorflow as tf

raw_dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset("input_file.tfrecord")

shards = 10

for i in range(shards):
    writer = tf.data.experimental.TFRecordWriter(f"output_file-part-{i}.tfrecord")
    writer.write(raw_dataset.shard(shards, i))