Split a generator into chunks without pre-walking it

more-itertools has provided chunked and ichunked that can achieve the goal, it is mentioned on the Python 3 itertools document page.

chunked and ichunked example

Another way to create groups/chunks and not prewalk the generator is using itertools.groupby on a key function that uses an itertools.count object. Since the count object is independent of the iterable, the chunks can be easily generated without any knowledge of what the iterable holds.

Every iteration of groupby calls the next method of the count object and generates a group/chunk key (followed by items in the chunk) by doing an integer division of the current count value by the size of the chunk.

from itertools import groupby, count

def chunks(iterable, size=10):
    c = count()
    for _, g in groupby(iterable, lambda _: next(c)//size):
        yield g

Each group/chunk g yielded by the generator function is an iterator. However, since groupby uses a shared iterator for all groups, the group iterators cannot be stored in a list or any container, each group iterator should be consumed before the next.

One way would be to peek at the first element, if any, and then create and return the actual generator.

def head(iterable, max=10):
    first = next(iterable)      # raise exception when depleted
    def head_inner():
        yield first             # yield the extracted first element
        for cnt, el in enumerate(iterable):
            yield el
            if cnt + 1 >= max:  # cnt + 1 to include first
    return head_inner()

Just use this in your chunk generator and catch the StopIteration exception like you did with your custom exception.

Update: Here's another version, using itertools.islice to replace most of the head function, and a for loop. This simple for loop in fact does exactly the same thing as that unwieldy while-try-next-except-break construct in the original code, so the result is much more readable.

def chunks(iterable, size=10):
    iterator = iter(iterable)
    for first in iterator:    # stops when iterator is depleted
        def chunk():          # construct generator for next chunk
            yield first       # yield element from for loop
            for more in islice(iterator, size - 1):
                yield more    # yield more elements from the iterator
        yield chunk()         # in outer generator, yield next chunk

And we can get even shorter than that, using itertools.chain to replace the inner generator:

def chunks(iterable, size=10):
    iterator = iter(iterable)
    for first in iterator:
        yield chain([first], islice(iterator, size - 1))

Even faster solution (new as of 2021-12-02) for smaller n:

When the chunk size is typically small, the fastest solution is this one, adapted from rhettg's answer:

from itertools import takewhile, zip_longest

def chunker(n, iterable):
    '''chunker(3, 'ABCDEFG') --> ('A', 'B', 'C'), ('D', 'E', 'F'),  ('G',)'''
    fillvalue = object()  # Anonymous sentinel object that can't possibly appear in input
    args = (iter(iterable),) * n
    for x in zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue):
        if x[-1] is fillvalue:
            # takewhile optimizes a bit for when n is large and the final
            # group is small; at the cost of a little performance, you can
            # avoid the takewhile import and simplify to:
            # yield tuple(v for v in x if v is not fillvalue)
            yield tuple(takewhile(lambda v: v is not fillvalue, x))
            yield x

Old answer (still fast, but loses to above by a little in basically all cases, and by a roughly factor of 2x in common cases):

Fastest possible solution I could come up with, thanks to (in CPython) using purely C-level builtins. By doing so, no Python byte code is needed to produce each chunk (unless the underlying generator is implemented in Python) which has a huge performance benefit. It does walk each chunk before returning it, but it doesn't do any pre-walking beyond the chunk it's about to return:

# Py2 only to get generator based map
from future_builtins import map

from itertools import islice, repeat, starmap, takewhile
# operator.truth is *significantly* faster than bool for the case of
# exactly one positional argument prior to 3.10; in 3.10+, you can
# just use bool (which is trivially faster than truth)
from operator import truth

def chunker(n, iterable):  # n is size of each chunk; last chunk may be smaller
    return takewhile(truth, map(tuple, starmap(islice, repeat((iter(iterable), n)))))

Since that's a bit dense, the spread out version for illustration:

def chunker(n, iterable):
    iterable = iter(iterable)
    while True:
        x = tuple(islice(iterable, n))
        if not x:
        yield x

Wrapping a call to chunker in enumerate would let you number the chunks if it's needed.