Speed up page load by deferring images

This seems to be pretty clean way of deferring images. The only potential problem is if images carry important information as "Data attributes are a new feature in HTML5".

Another option could be to put images to end of body and use CSS to position them. Personally I would stick to javascript.

Here's a version showcasing .querySelectorAll:

function swapSrcAttributes(source) {
  return function(element) {
    element.setAttribute('src', element.getAttribute(source));

function forEach(collection, partial) {
  for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {

function initDeferImages() {
  // for images
  var deferImages = document.querySelectorAll('img[data-src]');

  // or you could be less specific and remove the `img`
  deferImages = document.querySelectorAll('[data-src]');

  forEach(deferImages, swapSrcAttributes('data-src'));

window.onload = function() {

Here is the compatibility table for .querySelector and .querySelectorAll via https://caniuse.com/#feat=queryselector

A little late, but in case it benefits others, there is a great article on this topic by Patrick Sexton https://varvy.com/pagespeed/defer-images.html

He basically is suggesting the same thing, only by using tiny base 64 encoded images, he can place his image tags directly in the HTML which has the benefit of being able to control attributes like height, width, alt, etc individually. It will be a lot easier to maintain your HTML this way as opposed to creating the entire image tag in a script.

<img src="" data-src="image1.jpg" alt="image 1">
<img src="" data-src="image2.jpg" alt="image 2">

Then your script is simple and generic for all images

function init() {
  var imgDefer = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
  for (var i = 0; i < imgDefer.length; i++) {
    if (imgDefer[i].getAttribute('data-src')) {

window.onload = init;