Specify sudo password for Ansible

Probably the best way to do this - assuming that you can't use the NOPASSWD solution provided by scottod - is to use Mircea Vutcovici's solution in combination with Ansible vaultArchived.

For example, you might have a playbook something like this:

- hosts: all

    - secret

    - name: Do something as sudo
      service: name=nginx state=restarted
      sudo: yes

Here we are including a file called secret which will contain our sudo password.

We will use ansible-vault to create an encrypted version of this file:

ansible-vault create secret

This will ask you for a password, then open your default editor to edit the file. You can put your ansible_sudo_pass in here.

e.g.: secret:

ansible_sudo_pass: mysudopassword

Save and exit, now you have an encrypted secret file which Ansible is able to decrypt when you run your playbook. Note: you can edit the file with ansible-vault edit secret (and enter the password that you used when creating the file)

The final piece of the puzzle is to provide Ansible with a --vault-password-file which it will use to decrypt your secret file.

Create a file called vault.txt and in that put the password that you used when creating your secret file. The password should be a string stored as a single line in the file.

From the Ansible Docs:

.. ensure permissions on the file are such that no one else can access your key and do not add your key to source control

Finally: you can now run your playbook with something like

ansible-playbook playbook.yml -u someuser -i hosts --sudo --vault-password-file=vault.txt 

The above is assuming the following directory layout:

|_ playbook.yml
|_ secret
|_ hosts
|_ vault.txt

You can read more about Ansible Vault here: https://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_vault.htmlArchived


The docs strongly recommend against setting the sudo password in plaintext:

As a reminder passwords should never be stored in plain text. For information on encrypting your passwords and other secrets with Ansible Vault, see Encrypting content with Ansible Vault.

Instead you should be using --ask-become-pass on the command line when running ansible-playbook

Previous versions of Ansible have used --ask-sudo-pass and sudo instead of become.

You can pass variable on the command line via --extra-vars "name=value". Sudo password variable is ansible_sudo_pass. So your command would look like:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory.ini --user=username \
                              --extra-vars "ansible_sudo_pass=yourPassword"

Update 2017: Ansible now uses var ansible_become_pass. Either seems to work.

Update 2021: ansible_become_pass is still working, but for now, we should use -e instead of --extra-vars

