Specify set of base units to use in UnitConvert

Based on one of the solutions in the second relevant source cited, the following function will convert all units to SI, except the base units you specify in the second argument. The base units can be given as Quantity or strings that Quantity can convert

units::notbase = "The argument `1` is not a base unit."; 
baserule[base_Quantity] := 
    MatchQ[ud = UnitDimensions[base], {{_, 1}}], 
    ud[[1,1]] -> QuantityUnit[base], 
    Message[units::notbase, base]; Nothing
baserule[base_String] := baserule[Quantity[base]]; 

unitConvert[q_Quantity, bases_List] := 
    Quantity[Times @@ Apply[Power, UnitDimensions[q] /. baserule /@ bases /. 
      {"LengthUnit" -> "Meters", "MassUnit" -> "Kilograms", "TimeUnit" -> "Seconds", 
      "ElectricCurrentUnit" -> "Amperes", "TemperatureUnit" -> "Kelvins", 
      "TemperatureDifferenceUnit" -> "KelvinsDifference", "AmountUnit" -> "Moles", 
      "LuminousIntensityUnit" -> "Candelas"}, {1}]

  Quantity[1, "Watts"]/Quantity[2, "meters"], 
  {"cm", "g", "K difference", Quantity[1, "Seconds"]}

(* Quantity[50000, ("Centimeters"*"Grams")/"Seconds"^3] *)

Based on @DanielW's answer, here's a simplified conversion that assumes you use a fixed unit system:

toCGS[x_Quantity] := UnitConvert[x, Times @@ Power @@@ (UnitDimensions[x] /.
    {"LengthUnit" -> "Centimeters",
     "MassUnit" -> "Grams",
     "TimeUnit" -> "Seconds",
     "ElectricCurrentUnit" -> "Amperes",
     "TemperatureUnit" -> "Kelvins",
     "TemperatureDifferenceUnit" -> "KelvinsDifference",
     "AmountUnit" -> "Moles",
     "LuminousIntensityUnit" -> "Candelas"})]