Specify Azure SQL server edition in EF Core without breaking local development

The EF Core team is now aware of the issue and added it to their backlog: https://github.com/dotnet/efcore/issues/20682

Meanwhile the officially recommended workaround looks like this:

migrationBuilder.Sql(@"IF SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') = 5
EXEC(N'ALTER DATABASE [ThreeOne.SomeDbContext] MODIFY (EDITION = ''Basic'',  SERVICE_OBJECTIVE = ''Basic'' );');

I modified it to work without knowing the current database name:

@"declare @dbname varchar(100)
set @dbname=quotename(db_name())
IF SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') = 5
EXEC(N'ALTER DATABASE '+@dbname+' MODIFY (EDITION = ''Basic'', SERVICE_OBJECTIVE = ''Basic'' );');"