spawn - command not found!

Your script is attempting to combine two interpreters. You have both #!/bin/bash and #!/usr/bin/expect. That won't work. You can only use one of the two. Since bash was first, your script is being run as a bash script.

However, within your script, you have expect commands such as spawn and send. Since the script is being read by bash and not by expect, this fails. You could get around this by writing different expect scripts and calling them from your bash script or by translating the whole thing to expect.

The best way though, and one that avoids the horrible practice of having your passwords in plain text in a simple text file, is to set up passwordless ssh instead. That way, the scp won't need a password and you have no need for expect:

  1. First, create a public ssh key on your machine:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa

    You will be asked for a passphrase which you will be asked to enter the first time you run any ssh command after each login. This means that for multiple ssh or scp commands, you will only have to enter it once. Leave the passphrase empty for completely passwordless access.

  2. Once you have generated your public key, copy it over to each computer in your network :

    while read ip; do 
     ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ user1@$ip 
    done < IPlistfile.txt

    The IPlistfile.txt should be a file containing a server's name or IP on each line. For example:


    Since this is the first time you do this, you will have to manually enter the password for each IP but once you've done that, you will be able to copy files to any of these machines with a simple:

    scp file user@host1:/path/to/file
  3. Remove the expect from your script. Now that you have passwordless access, you can use your script as:

    echo "I will fail if you give junk values!!"
    echo " "
    echo "Enter file name: "
    read filePath
    echo " "
    echo "Where you want to copy?"
    echo "Enter"
    echo "1. if Host1"
    echo "2. if Host2"
    echo "3. if Host3"
    read choice
    echo " "
    if [ $choice -eq "1" ]
      scp filePath uname@host1:/usr/tmp   
    elif [ $choice -eq "2" ]
      scp filePath uname@host2:/usr/tmp   
    elif [ $choice -eq "3" ]
      scp filePath uname@host3:/usr/tmp   
      echo "Wrong input"

Your code can be a lot more concise:


read -p "Enter file name: " filePath
if ! [[ -r $filePath ]]; then
    echo "cannot read $filePath"
    exit 1

PS3="Where you want to copy? "
select host in host1 host2 host3; do
    if [[ -n $host ]]; then
        expect <<END
            spawn scp "$filePath" uname@$host:/usr/tmp   
            expect "password"   
            send "MyPassword\r"
            expect eof

If you set up ssh keys as suggested, it's even better:

    if [[ -n $host ]]; then
        scp "$filePath" uname@$host:/usr/tmp   

spawn is an expect command. It will not work if your interpreter is /bin/bash.