Spatial Join Yielding NULL values in ArcPy?

I have recently had some troubles getting my spatial join to work, running into similar issues as you were. I am not familiar with the field mapping enough to know if the way you are field mapping is possible or not. All I know is, this is the way I got field mapping (with a merge rule on multiple fields) to work for me.

    # Copy features to a new layer

    # Delete fields in copy features before you spatial join

    # The following inputs are layers or table views: "stud_0915_1"

    # Create a new fieldmappings and add the two input feature classes.
    fms = arcpy.FieldMappings()
    ELEMSumIndex = fms.findFieldMapIndex("ELEM")
    INT_SumIndex = fms.findFieldMapIndex("INT_")
    MIDSumIndex = fms.findFieldMapIndex("MID")
    HIGHSumIndex = fms.findFieldMapIndex("HIGH")
    TOT_STUDSumIndex = fms.findFieldMapIndex("TOT_STUD")

    # Create the required FieldMap and FieldMappings objects
    fm_apt_poly_APT_ID = arcpy.FieldMap()
    fm_stud_ELEM = fms.getFieldMap(ELEMSumIndex)
    fm_stud_INT_ = fms.getFieldMap(INT_SumIndex)
    fm_stud_MID = fms.getFieldMap(MIDSumIndex)
    fm_stud_HIGH = fms.getFieldMap(HIGHSumIndex)
    fm_stud_TOT_STUD = fms.getFieldMap(TOT_STUDSumIndex)
    fms = arcpy.FieldMappings()

    # Create the required FieldMap and FieldMappings objects
    fm_apt_poly_APT_ID = arcpy.FieldMap()
    fm_stud_ELEM = arcpy.FieldMap()
    fm_stud_INT_ = arcpy.FieldMap()
    fm_stud_MID = arcpy.FieldMap()
    fm_stud_HIGH = arcpy.FieldMap()
    fm_stud_TOT_STUD = arcpy.FieldMap()
    fms = arcpy.FieldMappings()

    # Get the field names for both original files
    apt_poly_APT_ID = "APT_ID"
    stud_ELEM = "ELEM"
    stud_INT_ = "INT_"
    stud_MID = "MID"
    stud_HIGH = "HIGH"
    stud_TOT_STUD = "TOT_STUD"

    # Add fields to their corresponding FieldMap objects
    fm_apt_poly_APT_ID.addInputField(outputfeatureAPT, "APT_ID")
    fm_stud_ELEM.addInputField(outputfeatureSTUD, "ELEM")
    fm_stud_INT_.addInputField(outputfeatureSTUD, "INT_")
    fm_stud_MID.addInputField(outputfeatureSTUD, "MID")
    fm_stud_HIGH.addInputField(outputfeatureSTUD, "HIGH")
    fm_stud_TOT_STUD.addInputField(outputfeatureSTUD, "TOT_STUD")

    # Set the output field properties for both FieldMap objects
    apt_poly_APT_ID = fm_apt_poly_APT_ID.outputField = "APT_ID"
    fm_apt_poly_APT_ID.outputField = apt_poly_APT_ID

    stud_ELEM = fm_stud_ELEM.outputField = "ELEM"
    stud_ELEM.aliasName = "ELEM"
    fm_stud_ELEM.outputField = stud_ELEM

    stud_INT_ = fm_stud_ELEM.outputField = "INT_"
    stud_INT_.aliasName = "INT_"
    fm_stud_INT_.outputField = stud_INT_

    stud_MID = fm_stud_MID.outputField = "MID"
    stud_MID.aliasName = "MID"
    fm_stud_MID.outputField = stud_MID

    stud_HIGH = fm_stud_HIGH.outputField = "HIGH"
    stud_HIGH.aliasName = "HIGH"
    fm_stud_HIGH.outputField = stud_HIGH

    stud_TOT_STUD = fm_stud_TOT_STUD.outputField = "TOT_STUD"
    stud_TOT_STUD.aliasName = "TOT_STUD"
    fm_stud_TOT_STUD.outputField = stud_TOT_STUD

    # Set the merge rule to sum and then replace the old field map in the mappings object with the updated one
    fm_stud_ELEM.mergeRule = "SUM"
    fm_stud_INT_.mergeRule = "SUM"
    fm_stud_MID.mergeRule = "SUM"
    fm_stud_HIGH.mergeRule = "SUM"
    fm_stud_TOT_STUD.mergeRule = "SUM"

    # Spatial Join Sample Code
    # SpatialJoin_analysis (target_features, join_features, out_feature_class, {join_operation}, {join_type}, {field_mapping}, {match_option}, {search_radius}, {distance_field_name})
    # Process: Spatial Join
    arcpy.AddMessage("Performing Student Spatial Join")
    arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(outputfeatureAPT, outputfeatureSTUD, output2, "JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", "KEEP_ALL", fms, "INTERSECT", "", "")
    arcpy.AddMessage("Just performed Student Spatial Join")

    # Join the output to your apt_poly_xxxx by the APT_ID field
    # JoinField_management Sample Code
    # arcpy.JoinField_management(Input Feature, "Field Name", "join table", "join field", {["fields"]})
    arcpy.AddJoin_management(target, "APT_ID", output2, "APT_ID","")
    arcpy.AddMessage("Just performed Student Table Join")

    # Calculate Field_management Sample Code
    # arcpy.CalculateField_management(Input Feature, "Field Name", expression, "expression type", code block)

    # Process: Calculate Field, with a string index in the expression used to isolate the feature class name
    arcpy.CalculateField_management(target, targetname + ".ELEM_STUD", '!'+output2[74:]+'.ELEM!', "PYTHON_9.3")
    # Process: Calculate Field (2)
    arcpy.CalculateField_management(target, targetname + ".INT_STUD", '!'+output2[74:]+'.INT_!', "PYTHON_9.3")
    # Process: Calculate Field (3)
    arcpy.CalculateField_management(target, targetname + ".MID_STUD", '!'+output2[74:]+'.MID!', "PYTHON_9.3")
    # Process: Calculate Field (4)
    arcpy.CalculateField_management(target, targetname + ".HIGH_STUD", '!'+output2[74:]+'.HIGH!', "PYTHON_9.3")
    # Process: Calculate Field (5)
    arcpy.CalculateField_management(target, targetname + ".TOT_STUD", '!'+output2[74:]+'.TOT_STUD!', "PYTHON_9.3")

    # Remove the Join
    arcpy.RemoveJoin_management(target, "")

I eneded up deleting all fields in my target and join feature exept the onese that I needed, and then manually field mapped the rest. I was working with 6 fields and it was a pain, so I understand the idea of trying to work around doing it this way with 19 fields. But here's how it worked for me.