Spark iterate HDFS directory

You can use org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem. Specifically, FileSystem.listFiles([path], true)

And with Spark...

FileSystem.get(sc.hadoopConfiguration).listFiles(..., true)


It's worth noting that good practice is to get the FileSystem that is associated with the Path's scheme.

path.getFileSystem(sc.hadoopConfiguration).listFiles(path, true)

Here's PySpark version if someone is interested:

    hadoop =

    fs = hadoop.fs.FileSystem
    conf = hadoop.conf.Configuration() 
    path = hadoop.fs.Path('/hivewarehouse/disc_mrt.db/unified_fact/')

    for f in fs.get(conf).listStatus(path):
        print(f.getPath(), f.getLen())

In this particular case I get list of all files that make up disc_mrt.unified_fact Hive table.

Other methods of FileStatus object, like getLen() to get file size are described here:

Class FileStatus