Sorting a vector of pairs

In C++, you can have custom comparator functions that specify how to decide whether one element goes before another when sorting. In your case, given 2 pairs, you want the one with the lower value for the first element to go before the other one. You can write a comparator function like so:

// This function returns true if the first pair is "less"
// than the second one according to some metric
// In this case, we say the first pair is "less" if the first element of the first pair
// is less than the first element of the second pair
bool pairCompare(const std::pair<double, Processor*>& firstElem, const std::pair<double, Processor*>& secondElem) {
  return firstElem.first < secondElem.first;


Now, pass this function into your sort method:

//The sort function will use your custom comparator function 
std::sort(baryProc.begin(), baryProc.end(), pairCompare);

#include <algorithm>

int main(){

    std::vector<std::pair<double,Processor*>> baryProc;


Note that you do not need a custom comparator because the default comparator of pair does the thing you want. It first compares by the first element and if they are identical, it compares the second element in the pair.