sort but keep header line at the top

Stealing Andy's idea and making it a function so it's easier to use:

# print the header (the first line of input)
# and then run the specified command on the body (the rest of the input)
# use it in a pipeline, e.g. ps | body grep somepattern
body() {
    IFS= read -r header
    printf '%s\n' "$header"

Now I can do:

$ ps -o pid,comm | body sort -k2
24759 bash
31276 bash
31032 less
31177 less
31020 man
31167 man

$ ps -o pid,comm | body grep less
31032 less
31177 less

You can keep the header at the top like this with bash:

command | (read -r; printf "%s\n" "$REPLY"; sort)

Or do it with perl:

command | perl -e 'print scalar (<>); print sort { ... } <>'

I found a nice awk version that works nicely in scripts:

awk 'NR == 1; NR > 1 {print $0 | "sort -n"}'