Sort a list in python


    l.sort(key= abs, reverse = True)

Lists can be sorted using the sort() method. And the sort method has a parameter, called key, which you can pass a function. Using this parameter, your list won't be ordered by the values of the list, but by the values of your function on the list.

In your case, you should use the abs() function, which will return the absolute value of your list elements. So, your list

>>> l = [1,-5,10,6,3,-4,-9]

Will be sorted like it was

>>>  [abs(1),abs(-5),abs(10),abs(6),abs(3),abs(-4),abs(-9)]

Which should be:

>>> [1 ,-4 ,-5 ,6 ,-9 ,10]

To order from the biggest to the smalles, use the reverse=True parameter also.

sorted([5, 2, 3, 1, 4])

See here for more details.

Use abs as key to the sorted function or list.sort:

>>> lis = [1,-5,10,6,3,-4,-9]
>>> sorted(lis, key=abs, reverse=True)
[10, -9, 6, -5, -4, 3, 1]