Solving a discontinuous differential-algebraic equation system for plasticity behaviour

I have been unsuccessful at getting the automatic discontinuity handling to work. (I get the errors "Failure to project onto the discontinuity surface when computing Filippov continuation".) But manually handling it with WhenEvent works, although it complains about slow convergence to the event locations. Perhaps the discontinuity conditions are too complicated for smooth handling. I don't know.

σ[t_] := 40000 Sin[1/50 t];
Block[{s, C1 = 80000, C2 = 20000, σgr = 15000},
 eq1 = s[t] == σ[t]/C1 + sep[t];
 s[t_] := σ[t]/C1 + sep[t];
 eq2 = sep'[t] == sepprime[t] C1/(C1 + C2)*s'[t];
 events = Simplify[
     sep'[t] == Piecewise[{{C1/(C1 + C2)*s'[t], (σ[t]*s'[t] > 0) &&
         ((σ[t] - C2*sep[t] >= σgr) || (σ[t] - C2*sep[t] <= -σgr))}}, 0],
    (sep[t] | σ'[t]) ∈ Reals] /. 
   HoldPattern[{sep'[t] -> ConditionalExpression[val_, cond_]}] :> 
    WhenEvent[cond, sepprime[t] -> If[val === 0, 0, 1]];
eqSys = {eq1, eq2, events, s[0] == 0, sep[0] == 0, sepprime[0] == 0};

sol = Quiet[
  NDSolve[eqSys, {s, sep}, {t, 0, 1000}, DiscreteVariables -> {sepprime}],

OP's plot:

ParametricPlot @@ {{s[t], σ[t]} /. First[sol], 
  Flatten[{t, sep["Domain"] /. First[sol]}], AspectRatio -> 2/3}

Mathematica graphics

The DE can also be integrated by turning off the discontinuity handling, which is effectively similar to Karsten 7's solution.

sol = NDSolve[eqSys, {s, sep}, {t, 0, 1000}, Method -> {"DiscontinuityProcessing" -> False}]

This is effectively what the OP's code does, after the NDSolve::tddisc warning message, but it does not crash in V10.0.1. In V9, one needs to set MaxSteps -> 60000 or StartingStepSize -> 0.1 for the integration to complete.

Using a helper function fh will result in no messages and no need to set extra options.

σ[t_] := 40000 Sin[0.02 t]
C1 = 80000;
C2 = 20000;
σgr = 15000;

fh[t_?NumericQ, x_, y_] := Piecewise[{{C1/(C1 + C2)*y, 
  (σ[t]*y > 0) && ((σ[t] - C2*x >= σgr) || (σ[t] - C2*x <= -σgr))}}, 0]

sol = NDSolve[{s[t] == σ[t]/C1 + sep[t], sep'[t] == fh[t, sep[t], s'[t]], 
        s[0] == 0, sep[0] == 0}, {s[t], sep[t]}, {t, 0, 1000}];

s[t_] = s[t] /. sol // First;
ParametricPlot[{s[t], σ[t]}, {t, 0, 10^3}, PlotRange -> All, 
  AspectRatio -> Full, GridLines -> Automatic]
