Solve system of ODEs for steady state symbolically

This will give the equilibrium, without checking convergence as t -> Infinity:

rhs = {X'[t], Y'[t]} /. 
   First@Solve[eqns, {X'[t], Y'[t]}, {X[0], Y[0]}];

Solve[rhs == 0, {X[t], Y[t]}]
  {{X[t] -> -(P/(-k1 + A k1 - k2)), 
    Y[t] -> ((-k1 + A k1) P)/((-k1 + A k1 - k2) k3)}}

Here's way to get the convergence criteria:

   CoefficientArrays[rhs, {X[t], Y[t]}][[2]]
   ] < 0
 {A, k1, k2, k3}
(*  (A | k1) \[Element] Reals && k2 > -k1 + A k1 && k3 > 0  *)

Although this is not an ecological model, my EcoEvo package could be useful.

(* load package *)
<< EcoEvo`;

(* define model *)
  Aux[X] -> {Equation :> P - (k1 + k2) X[t] + A k1 X[t]}, 
  Aux[Y] -> {Equation :> k1 X[t] - A k1 X[t] - k3 Y[t]},
  Assumptions -> {k0 > 0, k1 > 0, k2 > 0, k3 > 0, 0 <= A < 1}

(* find equilibria *)
eq = SolveEcoEq[]
(* {{X -> -(P/(-k1 + A k1 - k2)),
  Y -> ((-k1 + A k1) P)/((-k1 + A k1 - k2) k3)}} *)

(* check stability *)

stability conditions

Based on your assumptions, you will find that the equilibrium is always stable:

(* True *)

Your initial approach also provides the conditions for convergence


(* "12.1.1 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (June 19, 2020)" *)


eqns = {X'[t] == P - (k1 + k2) X[t] + A k1 X[t], 
   Y'[t] == k1 X[t] - A k1 X[t] - k3 Y[t], X[0] == 0, Y[0] == 0};

sol = DSolve[eqns, {X, Y}, t][[1]];

Verifying the solution

eqns /. sol // Simplify

(* {True, True, True, True} *)

Using Limit to find the steady state also provides the conditions for convergence

ss = Limit[{X[t], Y[t]} /. sol, t -> Infinity]

enter image description here

cond = (And @@ (Last /@ ss)) // Simplify

(* P ∈ Reals && A k1 + k3 < k1 + k2 && k1 + k2 > A k1 && k3 > 0 *)

For your initially specified conditions, the additional requirement is

 k0 > 0 && k1 > 0 && k2 > 0 && k3 > 0 && P > 0 && A >= 0 && A < 1]

(* A k1 + k3 < k1 + k2 *)