SOAPFaultException "MustUnderstand headers (oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd) are not understood"

You could get this error when the service does not handle the headers. The service needs to implement a SOAPHandler with a getHeaders() that would resolve the headers. For the above mentioned fault the correct implementation would be as follows

    public Set<QName> getHeaders() { 
        QName securityHeader = new QName("", 
        HashSet<QName> headers = new HashSet<QName>(); 
        return headers; 

It is also possible to get this when the service is actually not secure, but the client is attempting to use security configuration (possibly using a XWSS security configuration) For this, just check the published wsdl from a browser and make sure it contains the expected security policy (append ?wsdl to its endpoint URL)

I found the solution. Following dependencies were required:


Good article on this topic and some pitfalls of cxf: