Snooker shot - does margin of error increase or decrease as the target angle increases?

Let the ball be radius $r$ and distance between balls $d$. Let $\theta$ be angle white is struck from line between centre of balls and $\phi$ direction red moves from line between red ball and white before struck. Then get $2r sin(\theta + \phi) = d sin(\theta)$. Call $a=\frac{d}{2r}$. This gives $\frac{d\phi}{d\theta}=-1+ \frac{a cos(\theta)}{\sqrt{1-a^2 sin^2(\theta)}}$. This represents the ratio of the error in the direction of red to the error in hitting the white. It increases monotonically from straight shot to a fine cut. If $d \approx r$ then this will not hold true as the target spot on the red is further away for a cut compared to a straight shot.

